Select your flavor combination and share the color, design, or personalized message you envision. Dietary accommodations available. 

Cakes: vanilla, chocolate, red velvet, carrot, cookies & cream, banana, chocolate chip.

Frosting: buttercream, chocolate, cream cheese, chocolate chip, cookies & cream, mint, peanut butter, black cherry. 

Pricing: two-layer starting at $50 and three-layer starting at $65


Planning for a special occasion? Custom cakes are available in buttercream and fondant to bring any event to life. 

Pricing: starting at $80


For smaller events or when you're looking to share, cupcakes are available in our same flavor options. 

Pricing: by the half or full dozen, starting at $30


In addition to cakes & cupcakes, we offer a limited number of baked goods.  

Cake Pops: 6 for $25, 12 for $45
Cakesicles: 6 for $25, 12 for $45

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